Who We Are

For centuries mirrors have shown us one thing: what is. What if they could show us more? What if they could show us what will be? With an Entractiv mirror, you’ll see not only what is, but also what will be. You’ll see your day’s events, the expected weather conditions, and how long it will take you to get to work. Additionally, through our machine learning algorithms, we'll understand how you can improve your lifestyle by optimizing your fitness plans and selecting facial products that work well with you.

We are the ones who will bring you the next generation of mirrors.

We are Entractiv.

The Mirror

The Entractiv Mirror is the mirror that you know and love, but it's been taken to the next level. The frame is built from high-quality maple and finished with the color and accent of your choice. The mirror comes in a standard 24x36 size so it fits perfectly with the rest of your decor. The mirror itself provides you with meaningful, customizable information about your day such as the expected weather, the news, your upcoming events, traffic, and your to do list, so that you can kickstart your day with everything you’ll need.

The Team

Farhat Alam

Chief Information Officer

Mandev Singh

Chief Technology Officer

Yash Sanghavi

Chief Executive Officer

Sharuk Ozair

Chief Operating Officer

Husain Vohra

Chief Financial Officer
Interested in joining the team? Apply here.

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